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How to Rank Up Using Communication: A Competitive Gamer's Guide

Writer's picture: Louis MelendezLouis Melendez

Obligatory gaming street cred: I've been an officer in a top WoW raiding guild, Diamond Warcraft 3 player, Diamond Overwatch, Diamond Heroes of the Storm, Emissary in Deadlock. Suffice to say, I've played my fair share of competitive ranked online games!

Ever wonder why some players seem to consistently win more games despite not having the best mechanical skills? The answer might be simpler than you think: communication. While most players obsess over perfecting their aim, mastering positioning, and memorizing optimal builds, they're overlooking one of the most powerful tools in competitive gaming.

The Hidden Skill Multiplier

In any team-based game - whether it's a MOBA, FPS, or RTS - your ability to communicate effectively can be the difference between victory and defeat. It's not just about having a microphone; it's about how you use it. Think of communication as a skill multiplier: it doesn't just improve your own performance, it enhances the entire team's potential. If you really want to rank up, you need to start giving more consideration to your communication strategy.

The "GG at 4 Minutes" Syndrome

Let me share a recent experience that perfectly illustrates this point. In a game of Deadlock (a 6v6 competitive game), one of our teammates had a rough start - dying three times in the first five minutes. We've all been there, right? The familiar "gg" call came out at just 4 minutes into what could be a 40-minute match.

Here's where most players go wrong: they either pile on with criticism or simply mute and hope for the next game. Instead, try this approach:

The Comeback Formula:

  1. Ignore the Negativity: Don't acknowledge or argue with defeatist attitudes

  2. Provide Clear, Actionable Communication: "Let's group up at the top lane," "We can farm safely here"

  3. Stay Positive but Practical: Keep your tone upbeat while focusing on concrete next steps

  4. Remind Teams of Comeback Mechanics: Most modern games are designed with comeback potential

The result? In this case, we went from "game over" at 4 minutes to taking the lead 15 minutes later, ultimately securing the win.

Why Your Microphone (or keyboard) Might Be Your Best Weapon

When you leave your mic off or choose not to chat, you're essentially playing with a self-imposed handicap. You're removing your ability to:

- Coordinate strategies in real-time

- Boost team morale during tough moments

- Make split-second calls that could save teammates

- Build momentum through positive reinforcement

The Do's and Don'ts of Effective Gaming Communication


- Make clear, concise calls

- Stay positive, especially after setbacks

- Acknowledge good plays by teammates

- Focus on next steps rather than past mistakes

- Use a friendly, reassuring tone


- Engage with trolls or toxic players

- Pile on when someone is struggling

- Make assumptions about skill level

- Let negativity affect your communication style

- Overload comms with unnecessary chatter

Managing Toxic Players

While toxic players exist, they're actually rarer than you might think. Most players genuinely want to win and will respond to positive leadership. When you do encounter toxic behavior:

- Immediately mute hate speech or harassment

- Don't engage with provocations

- Keep focusing on game-relevant communication

- Maintain team morale by staying professional

The Reality Check

Is this approach guaranteed to win every game? Of course not. Sometimes a loss is simply a loss. However, just as you practice your mechanical skills, you should view communication as a crucial skill to develop. The best part? Unlike improving your aim or reactions, better communication can provide immediate results.

Starting Your Communication Journey

Begin with these simple steps:

1. Use your mic in every game

2. Make at least one positive comment in the first 5 minutes

3. Call out basic information (enemy positions, cooldowns, objectives)

4. Practice turning negative situations around with constructive communication

Remember: Every time you queue up for a match, you're not just practicing your game mechanics - you're practicing your communication skills. Make them count.

The next time you're tempted to leave your mic off or stay silent during a match, remember that you might be leaving your most powerful tool unused. In the world of competitive gaming, sometimes the best plays come through a microphone rather than a mouse.


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